Mobile Device Management (MDM)

Mobile Device Management (MDM)

Manage all your devices, from a single interface

As the modern workplace develops and grows, there is an increasing need for integration of smart mobile devices in organisations. This solution can be of great benefit to both the business and the end-user, increasing user productivity by simplifying remote access to email, business applications and corporate data.

However, as the number of mobile devices in an organisation increases, so does your responsibility to ensure that you have full visibility and control of these devices so that your data remains secure.

Through our global partners, we offer complete Mobile Device Management solutions based on your business needs. Microsoft Intune can be incorporated with existing Office 365 subscriptions to provide full desktop and mobile device management and data protection for unmanaged devices through managed apps.

Cisco Mobile Device Management also provides a unified MDM solution that can manage mobile, Macs, PCs, your entire network from one centralised dashboard.

MDM solutions will enable our team and your business to conduct;

• Live troubleshooting
• Enforce security policies
• Deploy new apps

We can also provide BYOD device management without the need for an additional license or complex configuration.


Raglan Technologies will work with you to help protect the company from the security risks that mobile integration can present through enforced policies that can protect devices and their data.


Raglan Technologies is here to help you integrate mobile devices into existing IT infrastructure. We can manage this service or train your IT department to do so with our in-house experts and partners.


Raglan Technologies can either manage your mobile devices or we can train your IT department. So you can easily define and deploy network settings like wireless connectivity, security settings, and remote VPN access to all devices on your network at once.


The modern workplace is constantly evolving, particularly when it comes to technology. ‘Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)’ currently represents a key challenge for companies. Employees on all levels within organisations are looking for ways to integrate their personal devices into the work environment. Raglan Technologies’ Mobile Device Management allows you to do just that while maintaining data security. Keeping employees and management happy.